Erie Office:
When traveling on I-90 or I-79 go to the State Street Exit of I-90 (#27 exit) and go north. This is Rt. 97. Proceed north approximately 1 mile to the red light where Rt. 97 veers right and Rt. 505 now goes straight ahead. Go straight ahead on Rt. 505 for approximately 1.7 miles to the first red light which is clearly marked “38th Street”. Turn right on 38th Street and go .4 miles to the first red light which is at 38th and State St. Turn left and go north to 34th Street (trees are in the middle of the street) where you will turn left around the trees (yes, a legal U-turn) and prepare to turn right into the parking lot between the buildings.
Warren, PA Office:
The Warren office is located on the west side of Rt. 62 in North Warren. It is located between Beach and Thomas Streets. It is 1.7 mile. south of the Warren Mall (two blocks south of the red light at Rt. 69.). When you travel north of Warren on Market St., the office is 1.4 mi. north of where Market Street's 4 lanes divide and are separated.
Ashtabula Office:
The Ashtabula office is in downtown Ashtabula across the street from where the old Carlisle's Department Store had been located. The sign on our office building reads: Ashtabula Dental Specialists. If you are traveling on Rt. 90 east or west of Rt. 11, the quickest way to the office is to take Rt. 11 north and exit onto Rt. 84. At the end of the exit ramp turn left onto Rt. 84 and go 1.1 miles on Rt. 84 to the north end of the bridge over the Ashtabula River. At the end of the bridge, turn right onto Collins Blvd. and go one block to turn left onto W. 45th St. Go straight one block to Main Ave. and turn right. My office is in the third door on your right side.